As a guy who reads several hundred blogs and blog entries during the course of a day, if there’s one thing I hate, it’s a big, obnoxious, blinking ad. I also hate those sketchier ads which may or may not contain viruses, I hate distracting pop-ups, and I hate any ads that make noise. Basically, I hate all ads in general; however, if there’s a website I love or I read a lot (like this one), I’ll always turn off my ad blocking software, just for them. As a web publisher, I know that ad blockers hurt the revenue of my favorite sites. However, I was surprised at just how much it can hurt some websites.
I don’t make much money off this site. In fact, if I’m lucky, I’ll stop losing money on it soon and recover my investment, and I’m a whole lot luckier than most people are when it comes to this kind of thing. I know most ads are annoying or distracting, but there are some pretty cool ones out there. Even if they’re not sexy puppets or funny, there are also a lot of legitimately good coupon offers that pop up as ads, so you might be missing out on something important or useful.
Still, they’re your eyeballs, and if you don’t want to unblock ads, then don’t do it. It’s better to be safe while browsing than sorry and infected with crap adware.
Tags: making money online, ad sales, ad blocking software is hurting your favorite websites, ad blockers, technology, websites