When you think of alien spacecraft, you never think of the space equivalent of a used Toyota. You think of something sleek and fast, not something belching smoke and overheating. Yet, for skywatchers over Eureka, California, they believe a jalopy UFO is just what they saw. I mean, it was belching fire and smoke, little bits of it were flying off as it flew… yeah, sounds like a beater to me. Check out the complete MUFON file for more information.
Could this be possible? Sure, why not? I mean, the Roswell incident was supposedly a UFO crash, and generally healthy vehicles driven by sober people in good weather generally don’t come falling out of the sky. At least, you hope not. It begs the question: what happened to damage that UFO seen over Eureka? Assuming it was a UFO, and not just some guy tripping on acid, I mean. Did we shoot it? Was it attacked by another spaceship? Is Earth the center of an alien battle for supremacy?
Tags: Eureka, California, UFO, UFO on fire, California UFO on fire, MUFON, UFO sighting, jalopy UFO, aliens, spacecraft, extraterrestrial spacecraft