It’s not terribly often that 120-pound bears get termed cute, but when this black bear is reenacting an incident that once happened to Winnie the Pooh, then it becomes absolutely adorable. The bear, who doesn’t have a name but I’m going to call him Winnie, got his head stuck in a milk jug in a forest outside of Reading, Vermont. For some six hours, the bear was running around blindly in the forest, falling over and running into trees. Awww, poor guy!
It took the combined force of state police, firefighters, and state Fish and Wildlife biologist Forrest Hammond (a great name for a Fish and Wildlife employee) to get the old-fashioned milk can off the bear’s head. Firefighters were forced to saw the can off the bear’s head after soap wasn’t able to loosen the jug up enough to get it off the black bear’s head. Fortunately, this story has a happy ending and the bear was okay.
Here’s what I’m wondering: why did the bear cram his head in that can in the first place? Did he think it was a beer can? Was there some delicious hunny inside? Surely there was some reason for the bear to go exploring that milk jug, yet nobody says why they think he was doing it.
Tags: Reading, Vermont, unusual animals, bear with his head stuck in a milk jug, old-fashioned milk jug, bear with head stuck, adorable animals, accidents, cute pictures, Forrest Hammond