Twice a week, the ladies near Howard Springs Holiday Park in Darwin, Australia, gather at the park’s pool for a water aerobics class. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the ladies come to work out, and every Tuesday and Thursday, Howard Springs staff make sure the pool is in pristine condition. Unfortunately, the class is by invitation only, so the crocodile that crawled under the fence and into the park’s pool was not allowed to attend. He may have once ruled the oceans, but he’s not going to push around these gals!
When staff went to clean the pool, they noticed the croc in the water and notified local authorities to trap the beast. The aerobics class was delayed a bit, since nobody wanted to hop into the pool with a potentially-dangerous 5-foot-long meat-eater. Then again, maybe he was removed to protect him from the ladies. Now Fitness Croc is in the hands of a local water park, and the ladies of Darwin are once again free to get their Olivia Newton John on at the pool in Howard Springs.
Hopefully the Howard Springs croc won’t get this guy for a roommate.
Image: Tati@
Tags: Howard Springs Holiday Park, Darwin, Australia, crocodile invades pool, water aerobics class canceled due to crocodile, water aerobics, unusual animals, crocodiles