Despite his young age, William Jackson was a perfect bus driver in every respect but one. The 19-year-old was polite, respectful, made all the stops on his route, and had an impeccable Washington Metro uniform. The only problem was that Jackson wasn’t actually a bus driver, just someone impersonating a bus driver while behind the wheel of a stolen bus. His ruse was uncovered after the fake bus driver crashed the bus into a tree and then took off running from the scene of the crime.
Until that point, Jackson’s act was enough to fool the customers, even after he told people the bus ride was free. Said Thomasina Thompson, a passenger on the bus trip, “If he wasn’t a driver for real, he’s been watching somebody for a real long time.” Jackson was captured by two passers-by and detained until police arrested. When asked why he went to such lengths just to be a bus driver, Jackson admitted to police that he “had a thing for buses.”
Tags: William Jackson, Washington Metro, Washington, D.C., man steals bus, man crashes stolen bus, man impersonated bus driver, unusual criminals, unusual crimes, man steals bus and makes all the route stops, weird criminals, law and order, Thomasena Thompson