Christine O’Donnell has had to beat the odds to get to where she is today. A member of the insurgent Tea Party, she had to best the official Republican candidate for Senate in Delaware before she could even get support from her own party (and she might not even have it now). She’s got a bigger uphill battle in November when she squares off against the Democratic candidate for Senate, Chris Coons, in blue-leaning Delaware. And now, she’s made her battle harder via her own words (again) after an 11-year-old tape of O’Donnell discussing a date with a witch and a past dabbling in witchcraft emerged in the national media.
O’Donnell, now 41, describes a teenage date with a practicing witch and some dabbling in witchcraft in a 1999 appearance on comedian Bill Mahr’s former show, Politically Incorrect. O’Donnell has moved to distance herself from her remarks, saying, “I was in high school, how many of you didn’t hang out with questionable folks in high school? But no, there’s been no witchcraft since.” On the clip in question, she describes hanging out with people who “dabbled in witchcraft” and talks about going on a movie date and picnic with a so-called witch.
After distancing herself from her remarks, which were offered out of context in the video clip, she hopped on her broom and flew away to the delight of her cheering supporters. She later turned Bill Mahr into a toad. It’s all of an evil Karl Rove conspiracy to capture the Wicca vote away from the Democrats.
Tags: Delaware, Christine O’Donnell, Bill Mahr, Politically Incorrect, unusual admissions, Republicans, Delaware Republican Senate candidate, Tea Party candidate dabbled in witchcraft, unusual news