It’s a good question. If you believe that UFOs can be explained away as the occasional extraterrestrial visitor to planet Earth, then surely those ships have some sort of defensive capabilities. After all, you never know when some redneck is going to fire his weapon at your saucer, so you need to be able to defend yourself. A group of former Air Force officers, lead by Captain Robert Salas and Colonel Charles Halt, believe that UFOs have the power to disable our nuclear weapons. They believe this because these military men claim to have experienced UFOs disabling nuclear weapons personally, and they’re gathering at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. to expose the alien threat.
Here’s Captain Salas’ version of what happened when UFOs attacked the nuclear weapons at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, as told to Larry King in 2008: “The UFO was reported by my top-side guard. A bright red oval object hovering outside the front gate. He was very agitated, frightened, when he told me this over the phone. The reason I believe that what he told me is true is because they had no access to our missile system. They had no way to control it. And while this object was up there, my missiles shut down.”
Colonel Halt tells a similar story from his time at RAF Bentwaters, in which UFOs landed in the nuclear storage area and disabled nuclear weapons launching capabilities for several minutes. Could the aliens have their own version of the anti-nuclear Stuxnet worm in beam form? These military officials say so, and they’re bringing declassified UFO documents to prove that there’s an international UFO/military cover-up.
Tags: National Press Club, Robert Salas, Charles Halt, RAF Bentwaters, Malmstrom Air Force Base, UFOs, UFOs and military, UFOs disabling nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons disabled by UFOs, unidentified flying objects, UFO sightings, six former Air Force officers gather to expose UFO threat