What do you do with a repeat offender? In the case of a human criminal, they tend to lock you up and throw away the key. When it comes to animals, sometimes they get a kill-on-sight order. However, the case isn’t quite as clear-cut for Sueko the Chimpanzee. Sueko, the 300-pound pet chimp of Mark Archigo, went on a rampage in a Kansas City, Missouri, neighborhood after escaping from her owner. It’s monkey madness!
Well, aside from possibly hurting their feelings and/or scaring them, Sueko didn’t hurt anyone. Sueko was seen pointing and laughing at people, giving them the middle finger, beating on random cars and doors, and generally running wild in true ape fashion. She was annoying, but not terribly dangerous… until she saw KCPD officer John Blomquist (who has a history with the beast) roll up in his black-and-white with a tranquilizer rifle. Then she went crazy, smashing the officer’s windshield and hit the car with a garbage can. When she ran, the officer put a tranquilizer into her back, and then randomly, she returned to her owner’s van.
Archigo had been warned about his monkey before, having been told repeatedly that it is not allowed within the city limits. Archigo is a long-haul truck driver, and Sueko keeps him and his girlfriend company on long drives. She has a history of escape, and a reported history of violence. Until the city decides what to do with their primate prisoner, she’s being kept at Monkey Island (an animal sanctuary). Odds are she was just having a nicotine fit and needed a smoke.
Tags: Kansas City, Missouri, 300-pound chimpanzee escapes from owners, 300-pound chimp goes on rampage, unusual animals, Sueko, Mark Archigo, Monkey Island, unusual pets, man’s pet chimp attacks police car, chimp laughs at bypassers, chimp flips off people, chimpanzees, funny animals, animal attacks