A narcotics officer is left with egg on his face and meth on his bumper after he managed to lose a box labeled “METH” used for training narcotics-sniffing dogs. Somehow, the officer in question managed to leave the black box with big white letters on the bumper of his cruiser. When the cop drove off, the meth kit was left behind. Now, somewhere in the streets of Jackson, Wyoming, is a big labeled box full of an ounce of crystal meth that got lost by a cop.
Now, cops lose these drug cases all the time. Here’s my question: why are they traveling around with felony amounts of narcotics in their cars? Are they just driving around with the drug dogs in their back seat, surrounded by a pharmacy’s worth of illicit drugs? If you can’t keep an eye on an ounce of meth in a big box labeled “METH,” maybe you should just stay at the station when you’re training Rover the dope dog.
Tags: cop loses narcotics , cop loses drugs, cop loses meth, cop loses box labeled as meth, cop loses an ounce of crystal meth, methamphetamine, crystal meth, cop leaves box marked meth on bumper, cop loses meth used to train drug dogs, cop loses drug dog training kit, Jackson, Wyoming