If you’re just now waking up and decide to hit up Google, don’t be confused. You didn’t type in the wrong URL, Google is simply doing its usual holiday special with the Google Doodle. It’s actually really clever when you consider it; Google is pretty unique in terms of how it is spelled, and since the Roman numeral for 2011 is MMXI, it’s a perfect mash-up to add a G to one end and an e to the other to make their logo a more explosive GMMXIe (or gmmxle).
I have to admit that it took me a very long time to figure the logo out this morning. It wasn’t as hard to figure out as Google’s bar code, but I’m probably running a little slow this morning. Plus I haven’t had any coffee yet, so that’ll come together in time. Until then, I’m content to stare at Google’s awesome new Doodle and try not to fall back asleep. Which is really how I celebrate the new year in general: I stare at the television and try not to fall asleep before midnight.
Tags: Google, Google Doodle, Happy New Year from Google, Google New Year Doodle, Google New Year, Gmmxie, Google spelled Gmmxie, MMXI, Roman Numerals, Roman Numerals for 2011 is MMXI, Google gmmxie, gmmxle, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve Google Doodle