If you’re a fan of snakes, do I have a house for you! In Salem, Idaho, there’s a particular house on the market. As it turns out, the lovely Idaho house is infested with hundreds of garter snakes and nobody will stick around to keep the house once they find out. The house has gained infamy as the Idaho Snake House, and even the best efforts of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game can’t get the snakes out of the house. Better call Samuel L. Jackson!
“I guess I need a snake lover,’ admits unlucky real estate agent Todd Davis, charged with selling the home. “Or someone with multiple mongooses. It’s not a problem, it’s an infestation. It’s been a horrible experience.”
Still, if you can stand the snakes, the house is a steal. Realty Quest, who is selling the house for Chase Bank, has slashed nearly $65,000 off the home’s estimated value of $175,000 in an attempt to lure buyers into the house. It is believed that the home is built over top of a snake den; when snakes are removed, they find their way back because the den is where they spend each winter.
Tags: garter snakes, house infested with snakes, Salem, Idaho, house infested with garter snakes, house infested with hundreds of snakes, Realty Quest, Todd Davis, house infested with snakes, hundreds of snakes take over house, house abandoned after hundreds of snakes take it over, unusual animals, infestations, snake infestation, Chase Bank