There’s paranoid, and then there’s prepared. The only difference between the two is that, to go from paranoia to protected, something bad has to happen. For example, the zombie apocalypse. You might be paranoid now as you design a zombie-safe home, but when the zombies come? The website All That Is Interesting has uncovered the world’s first zombie-proof house, a two-story concrete block dwelling from KWK Promes called “The Safety House.”
So how safe is this house? Well, for starters, you can seal off the entire first floor from outside entrance using some heavy-looking movable block walls and metal security doors. The only permanent entrance to the house is on the second floor, and that is protected by a removable drawbridge/gangplank type of thing that folds up perfectly into the profile of the house for maximum protection. About the only thing the house doesn’t seem to provide is a courtyard for raising vegetables and livestock for a long-term eating solution during zombie outbreaks.
Tags: KWK Promes, zombie house, The Safety House, zombie-proof safety house, unusual homes, model homes, anti-zombie house, impenetrable fortress house, featureless house with only one entrance, ultra-safe homes, unusual houses, unusual homes, zombie-proofing