Facebook may or may not, but probably is, developing a smartphone.
One of the big fears of Facebook founder and billion-dollar man Mark Zuckerberg is irrelevance. So much of Facebook’s user base is tied into mobile phone providers, yet Zuck doesn’t want Facebook to become just another social tile on the average smartphone dock. That’s why Facebook has tried to get into the smartphone game, and has been attempting to develop a Facebook-branded phone for several years now. Well, it appears that now Facebook is getting closer to making that happen; Facebook has been recruiting iPhone and iPad developers for their Facebook phone project.
According to rumors, Facebook is working with Taiwanese phone manufacturer HTC on a Facebook-branded smartphone. The handset has a rumored name, “Buffy,” and will be powered by Google’s Android software. Google recently purchased Motorola, no doubt to push its own dreams of Google Phone domination.
Facebook most recently addressed smartphone rumors in November 2011, when they were supposedly buying Blackberry makers RIM: “Our mobile strategy is simple, we think every mobile device is better if it is deeply social. We’re working across the entire mobile industry – with operators, hardware manufacturers, OS providers and application developers – to bring powerful social experiences to more people around the world.”
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