Don't even think about touching that soda, Fatso.
When you think of nanny state food laws, you probably think of California. After all, San Francisco tried to ban the Happy Meal, so why wouldn’t Cali be the leader in trans-fats bans, sugar regulation, and other food laws designed to protect you from your own choices. Well, New York City is rapidly catching up when it comes to restricting food choice. NYC has a proposed Happy Mean ban of its own, but the city is going to go farther. New York’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, wants to ban all sugary soft drinks 16 ounces and larger.
“The idea here is you tend to eat all the food in the container in front of you. If it’s a bigger container, you eat more. If somebody put a smaller glass or plate or bowl in front of you, you would eat less,” says Bloomberg, the New York mayor that banned trans-fats and smoking in the city “We’re not taking away anybody’s right to do things. We’re simply forcing you to understand you have to make the conscious decision to go from one cup to another cup. All we’re trying to do is try to remind you that this is something that is detrimental to your health…. It’s not perfect, it’s not the only answer, but we’ve got to do something. Sitting around doing nothing and watching our kids get fatter and fatter … that’s just not something we should do as a society.”
Of course, like all laws, this proposed one has loopholes. For one, grocery stores are exempt from the rules, which means that the Big Gulps and huge Slurpees would probably be fine. Also exempt are juice and milk-based drinks, as well as diet. That seems like it would cover the Starbucks Trenta and those massive sugary coffee drinks.
Tags: Michael Bloomberg, New York City, New York, New York City wants to ban drinks larger than 16 ounces, New York soda ban, Michael Bloomberg soda ban, New York City mayor wants to ban large drinks, nanny state, politics, drink ban, unusual food laws