Ann Curry hasn’t been bringing the heat on The Today Show.
For the last 14 years, Ann Curry has been a fixture on The Today Show. She spent most of that time at the news desk, which is fitting considering her background as a journalist. It’s only within the past year, since Meredith Vieira left the program, that she’s gotten the call-up to sit alongside Matt Lauer at the host’s couch, where she may do anything from participating in a cooking segment to interviewing a celebrity guest. To say that Ann has struggled in her new role is an understatement, and her bosses at NBC have taken notice. More importantly, they’ve noticed the morning show’s ratings slide; Today has recently been losing in the ratings to ABC competitor Good Morning America, breaking 16 years of dominance. As such, NBC is rumored to be looking to replace Ann Curry on Today.
There are many possible directions that NBC could go to bridge the gap between the time everyone wakes up and the time America’s drunk aunt, Kathy Lee Gifford, takes to the airwaves to make a fool of herself. While I doubt NBC could get Meredith Vieira to return to the program, they could always swap out Ann for her traditional stand-in, Savannah Guthrie. She seems to have more chemistry with Matt and company, and she seems to be a little less awkward on camera. Unfortunately, Guthrie doesn’t feed The Soup with awesome word repetition clips like this below.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89aQ_F64NPsGood morning good morning everyone everyone.
Tags: NBC, television, morning television, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, NBC to replace Ann Curry on The Today Show, Kathy Lee Gifford, newscasters, television hosts, celebrities, Meredith Vieira, Savannah Guthrie, Today, Ann Curry Today