Duchess Kate expecting a little Duchess in her future?
According to protocol, the Royal Family never reveals the sex of a Royal Baby before said Royal Baby is born, but Kate’s human. That’s what makes her popular among the people. Like most people, she can make mistakes, and like most people, she wanted to find out the sex of her baby in advance of the child’s expected July birth. At a public appearance at Grimsley, Lincolnshire, Kate Middleton may have let the gender of the future ruler of England slip during a meet-and-greet at the National Fishing Heritage Centre.
Sandra Cook, 67, who was next to her in the crowd, said: “I distinctly heard her say ‘thank you, I’ll take that for my d …’ then she stopped herself,” said 67-year-old Sandra cook, one of a crowd of 2000 gathered to meet and greet the princess. “I said to her: ‘You were going to say daughter weren’t you?’ and she said ‘No, we don’t know’. I said ‘Oh I think you do’, to which she said: ‘We’re not telling’.”
I somehow doubt the slip of the tongue will dampen excitement over the Royal Baby, nor do I think it will hurt Kate’s chances of being the most popular Queen of England since the current Queen of England. If anything, that dropped D will make her even more popular, because she’s just like the rest of us.
Tags: great britain, united kingdom, Grimsley, Lincolnshire, England, National Fishing Heritage Centre, kate middleton, duchess kate middleton, kate middleton baby, kate middleton royal baby news, sex of the royal baby, royal baby to be a daughter, kate middleton accidentally reveals the sex of her baby, royal protocol, Sandra Cook