Combat dolphins on the loose, filming for “Dolphins Gone Wild”.
As the smartest member of the animal kingdom, dolphins have a unique skill-set. They’re a combination of adorable and vicious that makes them effective when used as combat forces. Many countries, including the United States, have had killer dolphin programs at some point, and most are still active. Three of Ukraine’s military dolphins have escaped from their Crimean base in Sevastopol, having gone AWOL to get their freak on. When a killer dolphin goes AWOL, there’s not much you can do but wait for it to return.
“Control over dolphins was quite common in the 1980’s,” says ex-Soviet naval anti-sabotage officer Yury Plyachenko. “If a male dolphin saw a female dolphin during the mating season, then he would immediately set off after her. But they came back in a week or so.”
The Soviet killer dolphin program dates back to 1973; after the break-up of the USSR, Ukraine received Russia’s killer dolphins. After decommissioning the program and using the retired dolphins to work with disabled children, Ukraine’s navy brought back the program last year. The country has five dolphins in its version of the program.
Tags: military dolphins, killer dolphins, Ukraine, Ukrainian Navy, killer dolphins escape from Ukrainian Navy, unusual animals, trained killer dolphins escape from Ukraine, Crimea, Yury Plyachenko, Sevastopol, unusual military problems, AWOL dolphins, killer dolphins on the loose, soviet union, military dolphin program