Jesus isn’t traditionally known for his ability to throw lightning, but…
It’s one of the most famous landmarks in the known world. If you see a shot of a giant statue of Jesus, odds are it’s an establishing shot of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. The 125-foot statue dubbed “Christ The Redeemer” sits atop the 2000-foot Corcovado Mountain, overseeing the sprawling Brazilian city. There are many imitators, as well as mini imitators, but there’s only one giant Jesus statue in the world, and it just happens to be a lightning magnet. Christ The Redeemer was struck by lightning, making for a very cool picture.
“They say lightning does not strike the same spot twice. But with the Christ it does,” said Father Omar of the Archdiocese of Rio, which maintains the statue. “I have already endured the situation of being at the Christ at a time of rain and a lot of lightning, and it is scary. But we have a plan to quickly take all visitors away from there.”
The statue, which was erected in 1931 and last refurbished in 2010, is set to be repaired next month. Lightning has previously struck the middle finger of the right hand. The Archdiocese of Rio maintains a supply of the stone originally used to create the statue that it uses to repair the tourist attraction. The statue is protected by lightning rods and other equipment, but as you can see above, sometimes it can’t be helped.
Tags: unusual images, christ the redeemer, rio de janeiro, brazil, christ the redeemer in rio, lightning, unusual pictures, christ the redeemer statue, christ the redeemer struck by lightning, father omar, archdiocese of rio