If you want something, Walmart is always there. No matter what you might need, Walmart has it. If you need some raw hamburger, Walmart has tons of it throughout its stores. If you want some televisions, Walmart has them by the dozens. There’s no limit to the things Walmart can provide, even a good hiding spot. A 14-year-old boy lived in a Walmart for 4 staggering days before being discovered by store employees.
The teen, who has a history of running away, slithered away from relatives and escaped to the confines of the Corsicana, Texas, Walmart. There, he built not one, but two secret shelters, one in the toilet paper aisle and one in the baby aisle behind a stack of strollers. The kid stole drinks from the drink aisle, used adult diapers to avoid using the restroom, changed clothes every few hours to blend in appropriately, and made a makeshift bed for his napping purposes. Even more impressive, he took off with a fish from the pet aisle, thereby giving himself a brand new pet!
“You never expect that you’re at Walmart and someone has been living there for four days. That’s crazy,” said amazed Walmart customer Myrna Aguilar.
Tags: runaway living in walmart, teenage boy living in walmart, walmart, corsicana, texas, teenager living in texas walmart, 14-year-old living in walmart, teenage boy living in walmart, runaways, unusual hiding spots, teen build house in toilet paper aisle, hiding spots in walmart aisles