As something of a non-closeted geek, I’ve always wanted to go to one of the big sci-fi and comic book conventions. Every year they roll around, and every year I end up not going to them for whatever reason: I didn’t get tickets, I didn’t get a hotel room, I hate to travel, I’m sick, blah blah blah. One good thing about the new digital age is that you don’t actually have to go to Comic-Con in San Diego or Atlanta’s Dragon*Con to feel like you’ve been there. Case in point, the Comic-Con 2009 Cosplay Gallery.
The amount of work people put into these costumes, that they may only wear twice a year (if that) is incredible. It’s a major labor of love. There’s no doubt that these costumes could easily fit into the Met’s exhibit of superhero fashions. It’s just a shame someone beat me to The Comedian cosplay, because that was totally going to be my Halloween costume!
Tags: San Diego Comic-Con, Comic-Con, SDCC, cosplay, costumes, images