She’s the grandmother of all monsters. Nessie, the mysterious creature of Loch Ness, has been a staple of cryptozoologist field manuals since she was first popularized in 1933. However, 2009 was the worst year on record for Nessie sightings, with only one reliable spotting. That begs the question: is the Loch Ness Monster extinct?
Of course, whether or not Nessie is extinct depends on if you believe that she ever existed. Nessie-like creatures filled prehistory, but could one have survived to this very day remains debatable. Weird animals gets discovered all the time, and even the most sophisticated of equipment can’t uncover all the secrets in the murky depths of Earth’s bodies of water.
I don’t believe that Nessie is extinct (as if you had to ask). After all, there are a lot of things we never capture on film; that doesn’t mean they don’t happen. I am open to any possibility, no matter how remote.
Tags: Loch Ness Monster, cryptids, cryptozoology, Loch Ness, Nessie, Loch Ness monster extinct