I know what you’re thinking. Well, I know what I’m thinking, anyway. “People still care about H1N1?” Apparently so! That’s why Walgreen’s Drug Stores are putting H1N1 in their drinks, snacks, and even their Buffalo wings. It’s a sure-fire way to get people to pay up for an anti-H1N1 vaccine; you just have to poison their food with it!
You’d think that, by now, everyone would either have had a swine flu shot or would have actually caught swine flu, so nobody would need the vaccines now on the tail-end of flu season. There’s never a shortage of dumb and gullible people who feel like they need to be medicated against something that probably won’t hurt them. Maybe that’s the point of the stickering? “Here, eat these Buffalo wings and drink this Pepsi and you’ll be swine-free.” Seems to have worked for the Moldovan military.
Tags: stickers, funny stickers, H1N1, Pepsi, Pepsi H1N1, Walgreen’s, drug stores, unusual ads, swine flu, H1N1 vaccine, swine flu vaccine