Bill Jordan moved to Aurora, Colorado, from New Jersey some 15 years ago to get away from Jersey’s crime. Unfortunately for 59-year-old Bill, crime is everywhere. His employers had him pick up one of the new Apple iPads for a coworker who was getting promoted. It was a gift for the guy, and like any good employee, Bill headed over to the Apple Store in Denver to pick up the new tablet computer. Unfortunately for Bill, he was being cased, and as he was leaving the store, a man ripped away the bag that had been tied around Bill’s hand, taking the iPad and his left pinkie in the process. Yahoo News has the video of the snatch-and-grab, and a picture of the thief in question.
The thief wanted the iPad so badly that when he finally was able to tear it away from Bill’s hand, it took the meat and tendons and everything off Bill’s pinkie! The bag had gotten caught around Bill’s hand, and the finger gave before the plastic loop would. “He was almost sitting on the ground he was pulling so hard and it was still tied around my fingers; and it wouldn’t come off and then finally he gave it one big jerk; and that’s when he stripped the skin off my pinky and it went right down to the bone,” said Bill, who dampened the bleeding with napkins until paramedics arrived.
Now Bill’s down a pinkie and an iPad. All that trouble, as Bill says, “for a simple piece of apparatus that’ll be junk in a couple of years.”
Tags: Bill Jordan, Aurora, Denver, Colorado, thief rips off man’s finger, man’s finger ripped off during iPad theft, Apple, iPad, man loses finger during theft, robberies, assaults, man loses pinkie in robbery