When she was a teenager, 36-year-old Aimee L. Sword gave a baby boy up for adoption. Some 20 years later, she tracked the boy down on Facebook and got herself back into his life. She also got herself into his pants. That’s right, she slept with her own 16-year-old son, multiple times, and earned herself a 30-year prison sentence for the horrifying relationship.
It’s both incest and pedophilia! While she got 30 years, she also got a mandatory 9 years in prison, so either way she’s getting a punishment for her crimes. Interestingly, after her son got in trouble in Grand Rapids, she used her motherhood as a way to discreetly get her lover/son under her roof and into her bed full time, despite the fact she was living with her husband and their five children at the time. Apparently, she couldn’t help herself. This is even more horrifying than the brother/sister incest family, just because they knew they were mother and son!
“When she saw this boy, something just touched off in her – and it wasn’t a mother-son relationship, it was a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship,” said Sword’s defense attorney, Mitchell Ribitwer. “Aimee’s searching for a reason why this happened. She can’t understand it. She’s going to get some counseling.”
Tags: Aimee Sword, Grand Rapids, Michigan, mother sleeps with son, mother sleeps with long-lost son, incest, Mitchell Ribitwer, woman has sex with her own son, unusual relationships, unusual criminals, woman gets 30 years in prison for incest