Woody Will Smith got up in the morning and took his kids to school. That’s the last thing he remembers from the May 2009 day in which he killed his wife. Prosecutors say Smith is a cold-blooded killer who strangled his 28-year-old wife Amanda Hornsby-Smith with an extension cord, but the defense has a different take. They say 33-year-old Woody Smith was suffering from caffeine overdose-related psychosis when he killed his wife.
It’s the same defense used in Dan Noble’s hit-and-run case in which he ran over two people while strung out on caffeine. In Noble’s case, the jury bought into The Starbucks Defense and he got away with his crime. Smith is reportedly pursuing a similar defense in his murder case, as he reportedly drinks five or six cups of sodas per day, on top of energy drinks and caffeinated diet pills and other caffeinated products that don’t have the positive benefits of coffee. Reportedly, his 400mg of caffeine consumption per day is enough to be considered having an overdose of caffeine, according to defense expert Dr. Robert Noelker.
Tags: caffeine, Amanda Hornsby-Smith, Woody Will Smith, Newport, Kentucky, man kills wife while on caffeine, caffeine psychosis, man kills wife while high on caffeine, diet pills, energy drinks, Robert Noelker, caffeine overdose drives man to kill wife, murder, defense pleas