If you saw that face on a flight, wouldn’t you assume the worst and think that you boarded the plane with the Crypt Keeper, or perhaps something worse? Well, a Chinese national’s old white guy disguise was good enough to get through airport security in Hong Kong, but by the time the plane landed in Vancouver, Canada, he’d scrapped the disguise and revealed himself. A young Chinese man wore a full-face latex mask, cap, and cardigan as part of his old white man disguise and traveled to Canada on a stolen passport.
“Information was received from Air Canada Corporate Security regarding a possible impostor on a flight originating from Hong Kong,” says a security alert related to the October 29 event . “The passenger in question was observed at the beginning of the flight to be an elderly Caucasian male who appeared to have young looking hands. During the flight the subject attended the washroom and emerged an Asian looking male that appeared to be in his early 20s.”
Weirdly, nobody was clued off that the ancient, half-dead white man was a fake despite the fact his Aeroplan frequent flier mile information and boarding pass belonged to someone born in 1955, not someone born in 1905. Upon landing in Canada, the younger man asked for refugee protection and asylum. Meanwhile, Air Canada and Canadian immigration services are left to wonder just how he snuck through multiple layers of Chinese security to get on board the plane in the first place.
Tags: Hong Kong, China, Vancouver, Canada, Air Canada, Flight AC018, immigration fraud, political asylum, disguises, creepy disguises, pictures, Chinese person wears old white guy mask, unusual masks, unusual people, unusual crimes, fraud, immigration, man wears mask on international flight, nightmare fuel