"An 11-inch prawn? We're going to need a lot more cocktail sauce!"
There are a lot of weird animals underwater. Due to the pressure, temperatures, and various other factors, marine life can get to be pretty weird. With that in mind, what’s weirder than a giant version of a normally small creature? Nothing, that’s what. Hence, the reaction when scientists captured an 11-inch prawn-like creature while on a research mission. The incredibly rare “supergiant amphipod” AKA a gigantic prawn was fished up off the coast of New Zealand. Just for a comparison, a normal prawn is about 3 centimeters (1 inch) long.
“I stopped and thought ‘what on earth is that?’ whilst catching a glimpse of an amphipod far bigger than I ever thought possible,” said the University of Aberdeen’s Alan Jamieson, one of the researchers on the joint mission with Wellington’s NIWA marine research institute. “It’s a bit like finding a foot-long cockroach.”
The so-called supergiant amphipod has only been caught once before. In the 1980’s, another giant prawn-like creature was fished up off the waters of Hawaii. That’s 4500 miles away from New Zealand, which has researchers speculating that the massive prawn might be a part of some new, heretofore undiscovered species. Alongside the 28-centimeter giant that was caught, a second amphipod measuring an estimated 34 centimeters (13.38 inches) was also seen.
Tags: superprawn, giant prawn, New Zealand, supergiant amphipod, massive prawn-like creature fished up in New Zealand, fishing, unusual fishing finds, unusual animals, weird animals, University of Aberdeen, Alan Jamieson, 11-inch prawn found in New Zealand, NIWA Marine Research institute