The winter of our discontent continues. Increasingly, the southern states of the USA have been facing down winter weather, and it seems that even though this kind of thing just happened two years ago, no one was prepared for anything slightly adverse. Atlanta got 2 to 3.5 inches of snow, and the entire city is paralyzed. Cars have been trapped on the roads all night, kids are being held at schools for their own safety, people are being told to stay home, Home Depot has opened up its stores to shelter wayward travelers… it’s a real mess down there, and it doesn’t seem to be getting better any time soon.
There were 940 accidents in Atlanta alone, let alone the rest of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and the other states bothered by the ice and snow. Even with the advanced warning of ice incoming, Atlanta officials didn’t bother with taking any precautions, and when the snow didn’t arrive by yesterday morning, people went to school and work like usual. When they got off work, it was an icy hellscape outside. As it turns out, ice is the main problem for the drivers, and untreated roads aren’t doing anyone any favors.
Good luck out there, frozen folks of the Deep South. If New York City can get paralyzed by a blizzard, it can happen to anyone.
Tags: winter storm, blizzard, atlanta, georgia, south paralyzed by ice and snow, gulf coast snow storm, unusual weather, unusually cold weather, cold weather, ice and snow, atlanta paralyzed by ice, children trapped in schools by snow storm