Have you looked outside yet this morning. Spoiler alert: it’s COLD. Like, seriously cold, as most of the United States is being gripped by record-setting cold temperatures. From Bismark to Key West and New Mexico, the new year has greeted Americans with significantly colder than average weather. If you must go out, make sure you bundle up so you don’t freeze to death; it’s a nasty way to go.
While it’s going to stay well below zero for most of the rest of the week, at least there’s not going to be much of any snow. Just a few showers here and there; we’re avoiding the blizzard in my area, even if the rest of the country isn’t so lucky. That’s just fine with me. It can be as cold as it likes, just so long as I don’t lose my power or get buried in feet of snow.
Tags: weird weather, unusual weather, record-low temperatures, epic cold fronts, winter, unusually cold weather, record cold, freezing temperatures