Yesterday, the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society in Salisbury, Massachusetts was robbed of a very important item: cat litter. Now, we’ve seen thieves get creative in what they’ve taken. We’ve seen Porsches, large sums of money, more than 100 pumpkins, Marmite, and even prosthetic body parts lifted from various sources. But cat litter takes the cake.
According to Liz Pease, the director of operations at the shelter, someone stole about six bags of the stuff out of the shed located behind the shelter’s main building. Granted, the shed was unlocked, but who would expect someone to steal cat litter from a rescue organization? For that matter, who would expect the litter to even be worth stealing? The bags only cost about $6 each in the store.
Pease says she believes that whomever took the litter, which was comprised of odor-controlling wood pellets, likely did so to heat their home, which is strange in and of itself.
Fortunately for the animals being housed in the shelter, volunteers have begun dropping off bags of kitty litter to help make up for what was taken. Pease says that the shed, where these new bags will likely be housed, will now remain locked.
Photo: Krzysiu Jarzyna Szymanski/Wikimedia Commons
Tags: merrimack river feline rescue society, animal shelter robbed, thief takes cat litter from animal shelter, cat shelter’s litter taken from shed, salisbury, massachusetts, liz pease