For years now, the tactic to raise voter turnout has been to target the younger audiences. If we can get kids to vote starting at 18, then they will become habitual voters who value the importance of having their say in our nation’s government for the rest of their lives.
MTV has promised to Rock the Vote, P. Diddy threatens us that we must “Vote or Die,” and Saturday Night Live has taken to being the political platform of the 2008 presidential election.
That being said, it only seems natural that the desire to cast a vote has infected our nation’s youth like chicken pox in the ball pen at a Chuck E. Cheese. Kids everywhere are yearning to be able to step behind burlap-like flaps of cloth into voting booths and come out donning a white sticker announcing “I voted!”
Unfortunately, some children will have to wait longer than others. Take this toddler who is ready and waiting for Barack Obama to call him to the frontlines of the Obama campaign. His calling card: a YouTube video.
Watch as the child proclaims his political support for the Democratic-hopeful:
Image: YouTube and
Tags: Obama, Barack Obama, the Obama Kid, Obama girl, Neatorama, YouTube, 2008 election, 2008 presidential election