Set the mainsail and raise the chocolatey gangplank! Robert McDonald, his son, and 5,000 Dutch school children have constructed a replica Viking longboat out of recycled Popsicle sticks. There are at least 15 million sugary treat holders that make up this gorgeous and functional boat, which set sail from the Netherlands for England yesterday. Something tells me that the kids had absolutely no problems with helping out with this project, especially the part where you had to, ahem, clean off the sticks. I found a video report about the boat over on TrendHunter, if you want more information.
I have to say I’m really impressed that the ship is seaworthy, and that McDonald is brave and crazy enough to take it on an international voyage. I suppose it could sink at dock as easily as it could sink in the middle of the English Channel, but by the same point, it’s a lot easier to get rescued if you’re sitting at the dock. Can it handle rough seas? I sure hope so, for his sake. It’s an awesome looking vessel, and I can only assume it has passed every safety inspection thrown at it, otherwise it wouldn’t be leaving port.
Tags: popsicle stick boat, charity, robert mcdonald, recycling, boating, viking ship