This is an astounding display of technology. Every single day, medical science performs minor miracles. First there’s banjo brain surgery that uses electrodes in the brain to stop tremors , and now there’s a bionic hand that’s so skilled it puts my actual human arm to shame. I mean, it would be pretty awful to lose an arm in a car wreck like 19-year-old Evan Reynolds did, but that replacement is incredible.
The i-LIMB was developed by Touch Bionics, a Scottish company that has won a ton of awards for its products. The arm you see in the video isn’t even a finished model; the i-LIMB is still in the prototype stage. Just imagine how good the nerve-powered bionic control mechanism could get before they’re through refining it.
Said Evan of his new bionic arm: “The most amazing thing about it was how quickly I adapted to it. People always ask how it’s changed my life, but there’s no specific thing. It’s the hundreds of everyday things you take for granted, which I can do again, like peeling a potato, catching a ball, holding a bottle of water. I’m incredibly grateful.”
That’s the best £30,000 anyone could ever spend.
Tags: bionic arm, artifical limb, Evan Reynolds, i-LIMB, unusual, health