There’s nothing more fun than a good fake band idea. For example, according to their back story, the band Rock Sugar (warning: video automatically starts) spent 20 years on a desert island before returning to the world and bringing back their unique blend of pop and heavy metal. I doubt that actually happened; what I don’t doubt, however, is that Rock Sugar is pretty freaking awesome.
Basically, the band acts like a live-action mash-up, combining such things as Metallica and Journey, AC-DC and Madonna, and Bon Jovi and Loverboy into musical madness. They’ve recently released an album called Reimaginator, which you can buy in their online store. I have to admit I’m a gigantic sucker for this kind of musical mash-up stuff, as my love of the Tartar version of Queen will attest. I hope these guys come near me soon; I really need to check them out live.
Image: Classic Rock Magazine
Tags: music mash-ups, videos, music videos, Rock Sugar, mixing pop rock and metal, genre-bending music, unusual music videos, unusual music, Reimaginator