When Bobby Bonsey and Egan Orion wanted to come up with a special event for the Seattle Pride Fest, they turned to one of their favorite programs and one of the Internet’s favorite activities for their inspiration. They decided to mash up the Fox hit Glee and the flash mob! Here’s the plan: The flash mobs will assemble in three different locations (that are currently secret). Then, they break into dance, for exactly 3 minutes and 50 seconds, to a medley of Glee music. Then, they disappear.
The whole thing has been put together via Facebook, and the duo have put out dance instructions for the event, should you choose to participate. They expect to lure in some 1,700 people to join in on the fun and games. They’ve put a rehearsal video online, too, which I’ll show you below so you can get the effect of what they’re planning.
While I’m not a Glee fan and I’m definitely not a dancer, I can see why this would be fun. I’m enjoying myself just watching the dancing, and if this broke out somewhere near where I’m hanging out? I’d be digging it, for sure!
Image: TV Fanatic
Tags: Seattle, Washington, Glee, flash mobs, Glee-themed flash mob, Seattle Pride Fest, Bobby Bonsey, Egan Orion, flash mob dance routine