It’s probably the most common expression of praise on the Internet. Before the like button there was the +1, in which forum users or commenters to websites could voice their approval with a simple response: +1. That’s how you know something has met with approval, be it a comment or a post. When people make with the +1, that means you’re doing a good thing. Google gets a +1 in my book for adding the +1 button to their search results and search ads.
If you’re unsure how the +1 works, Google has put together an about video concerning the culture of the +1 and the idea of how their +1 is going to work. Check out the video below.
Basically, you have to create or update your Google Profile (if you have one) and then check out who you’re connected to via the Social Circle and Content tab at the profile. You’ll have to be logged into your Google account to see these +1, but since you’re already connected to so many via Google, it couldn’t hurt anything to add yet another reason to sign into Google’s service. Still, there’s an untapped market out there. Where’s my Meh button? Where’s a legitimate dislike button?
Tags: Google, search results, Google +1, +1, Google to add +1 to search results, social search results, Google adds social element to search results, Google +1 added to search results, Google creates +1 button, Google profile search result tags, Google Profile adds +1 ability to websites and links