Casey Anthony's new look and newer video blog.
Well, guess who won’t go away? If you said Casey Anthony, you might be correct. A video diary post surfaced on a pay-per-view website that is reported to be Casey Anthony’s actual video blog; it was quickly reposted to YouTube and later confirmed by Casey’s attorney, Cheney Mason. Looks like that whole “go into hiding to avoid vigilante justice” thing didn’t last too long. Here’s the video; it’s not terribly interesting, but it’s there.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1xUo3miM6c“So this is my first video diary,” says Anthony, who has a new look from the last time we saw her. “Just a little surreal how much things have changed since July and how many things haven’t changed. But the good thing is things are starting to look up and things are starting to change in a good way.”
At no point during her video diary, which seems to have been meant for private use only, does she mention the murder trial, the death of her daughter, or anything remotely interesting. Well, except for the fact she now has some sort of pet dog. I just feel bad for that dog. When she gets tired of it, you know it’s going to end up with its mouth duct-taped shut and tossed in the trunk of a car to suffocate. Oh wait, that’s just her children (allegedly).
Tags: Casey Anthony, Casey Anthony video diary, viral videos, video diary for Casey Anthony, YouTube, Casey Anthony video diary emerges on YouTube, YouTube video of Casey Anthony, criminals, unusual videos, viral video of Casey Anthony, Cheney Mason