The Butera family has an unusual family pet. As a veterinarian, Melanie Butera runs into all kinds of unusual animals. However, when the family took in a sickly, abandoned doe with eye problems, they had no idea they were ending up with a pet for life. She’s Dillie the domesticated deer, and she’s possibly the only indoor pet deer in Ohio. She’s definitely the only potty-trained deer that I’ve ever even heard of, and she’s adorable.
Get it? A-doe-rable? Heh, yeah; sorry. I can only resist easy puns so long.
While adopting a wild animal has its risks, most deer aren’t exactly violent. Provided it’s not mating season, anyway. Since Dillie is a female deer, there’s not much to worry about. Still, it has to be odd having a pet deer in the house, even if she’s as sweet and trusting as Dillie is. Fortunately, with a vet as her adopted mommy, she’ll be well taken-care of.
Tags: Canal Fulton, Ohio, family adopts deer, potty-trained deer, family adopts and trains indoor deer, Dillie the deer, Melanie Butera, vet adopts abandoned deer