To raise awareness for (Red)’s efforts to fight AIDS in Africa and around the world, on World AIDS Day, Starbucks launched what they call the Starbucks Love Project to raise awareness and get people thinking and talking more about the biggest crisis in Africa this side of starvation. One of the first things they did was have a global singalong; in over 156 countries, people gathered together or as individuals sang the classic Beatles tune “All You Need Is Love.”
For every video submitted at the Love Project website and for every drawing submitted to the Love Gallery, Starbucks is going to donate money to (Red) and other efforts to combat HIV and AIDS. It might not seem like a lot of cash per drawing or per video, but every little bit adds up, and this is for a good cause. There have been AIDS vaccine breakthroughs, but it takes money to get the drugs to the right people.
Tags: Starbucks, Starbucks Love Project, fighting AIDS in Africa, (Red), viral videos, videos, singalongs, The Beatles, All You Need Is Love, 156 countries in a singalong, Love Gallery, HIV