Hulu, the streaming television website, is an office worker’s best friend. How else can you stare intently at your computer and occasionally smash buttons on your keyboard while still catching up with the latest episodes of The Simpsons and Family Guy? Well, if you’re like me and you enjoy Hulu, but hate the fact that you’re stuck with either random back catalog episodes or the latest five shows, then there’s a solution coming down the pike. Hulu Plus, a premium streaming service, is set to debut at the bargain price of $10 per month!
What do you get for that $10 a month? Well, entire full seasons of programming from ABC, NBC, and Fox. That’s just the starter package. You’ll also get streaming video packages for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch; as well as streaming to set-top boxes like the Roku, as well as TVs and Blu-Ray players from Sony, Samsung, and Visio. That’s in addition to standard computer streaming and streaming live to PlayStation 3 (coming next month!) and Xbox 360 (sometime in 2011). Here’s the details from Hulu directly:
Most importantly, the debut of a paid tier for Hulu ensures that the project finally makes a little money for those involved. If they can somehow leverage this cash flow to premium TV content and a better selection of streaming television and on-demand movies, then I think you’d finally be onto something. How about some Tales from the Crypt on demand, guys!?
Tags: Hulu, Hulu Plus, subscription package unveiled for Hulu, premium Hulu service, Hulu service for iPhone, Hulu for iPad, Hulu for iPod, streaming television, premium streaming TV online, television, streaming movies online