The video starts out ominously. Six soldiers in the Israeli military on patrol in the disputed city of Hebron in the West Bank, an area prone to violence and mayhem. However, as the Muslim call to prayer fades, something different kicks in. The soldiers’ sense of humor for one. The electro-tinged dance-pop of Ke$ha’s hit song “TiK ToK” for the other. The soldiers immediately break into a coordinated dance routine. Then, as soon as it starts, it’s over and the men are back on patrol.
Kudos to the soldiers for their creativity. It’s a shame they’re probably going to get into trouble for trying to have a little fun while in uniform. But hey, at least they can still eat fast food and can still find love via Internet dating, so it’s not all bad! And their brief but fun dance routine shows that it’s not all killing and awfulness in the Middle East; there’s always a place for a little levity!
Tags: Israel, Battalion 50, West Bank, Hebron, Battalion 50 Rocks The Hebron Casbah, viral videos, YouTube, funny videos, soldiers dancing on patrol, soldier dance routine, Ke$ha, Tik Tok, unusual videos