You take a bunch of college kids, stick them in a cabin, and cue the menacing force out to kill them. Be it rednecks, disease, zombies, vampires, or whatever, going to a secluded cabin for a weekend of drinking and smoking and sex is a bad idea in movies, right? Right. However, just because you think you know the story, doesn’t mean you know the story. That’s the premise and promise behind the upcoming horror flick Cabin in the Woods, co-written and produced by Avengers director Joss Whedon and co-written and directed by Drew Goddard. If you don’t mind possible spoilers, here’s the trailer below. in the Woods has been on the shelf for awhile, thanks to MGM’s money problems. However, both this flick and the upcoming Red Dawn remake have been scheduled for release, as MGM was able to sell distribution rights to Lionsgate Entertainment and make enough money to restructure. The movie is the directorial debut of Drew Goddard, the film’s co-writer and one of the writers of Cloverfield. He also previously worked with Joss Whedon on Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel, Whedon’s two hit TV series.
The film stars Chris Hemsworth (of Thor fame), Richard Jenkins, Bradley Whitford, Amy Acker, and a whole bunch of nobodies just asking to be killed in brutal ways. The film will be released on April 13, 2011.
Tags: Cabin in the Woods, Chris Hemsworth, Amy Acker, Joss Whedon, Drew Goddard, MGM, horror, horror movie trailers, Cabin in the Woods trailer, movie trailers, scary movies, scary movie trailers, April 13, Hollywood, Lionsgate Entertainment, Richard Jenkins, Bradley Whitford, trailers